Story with UMKM Jembrana

pixie digital empowerment
  • Empowerment
  • UMKM
  • Community

Pixie Digital collaborated with Balai Diklat Industri Denpasar to empower UMKM Jembrana through a skill-enhancing workshop. A Pixie Digital founder shared Digital Marketing skills with SME owners in Negara, Jembrana, during a 10-day workshop, followed by a competency test for participants.


Since most of the audiences are people within older age range demography who rarely use technology in their daily life, it's quite challenging to make them familiar with the system. The workshop consist of topic that they might find it hard - for example, website creation and SEO.


In a span of 10 days, we need to prepare them for the test in the last day and make them not only understand the topics, but also ensure that they can implement it into their business. The topics cover SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation and Website Creation.


Balai Diklat Industri Denpasar


Bali, Indonesia

Sharing Topics

Digital Marketing Fundamental


UMKM Denpasar


10 Days