Simple Steps to Adding Users to Google Ads Accounts

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Efficiently managing a Google Ads account requires collaboration with team members, clients, or marketing agencies. Adding users to your Google Ads account can streamline this process by allowing multiple individuals to access and contribute to the account. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of adding users to Google Ads account, ensuring smooth collaboration and effective campaign management.

Without further ado lets take the how-to adding users to Google Ads account!

laptop with google ads

Source: Unsplash

Step 1: Accessing Your Google Ads Account

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the Google Ads homepage (
  2. Sign in to your Google Ads account using your Google credentials.
adding users to google ads account

Step 2: Navigating to Account Settings

  1. After logging in, click on the gear icon (Settings) located in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select “Account and Security.”
google ads dashboard

Step 3: Adding a New User

  1. In the “Account and security” section, you will see a list of existing users who have access to the account.
  2. To adding users to google ads, click on the plus icon or the “Add” button, labeled as +.
Simple Steps to Adding Users to Google Ads Accounts 1

Step 4: Selecting Permissions

Once you’ve chosen the access level, you can further refine the user’s permissions by selecting specific campaigns or sub-accounts they can access. Here are the three levels of commonly used:

  1. Administrative Access: Users with administrative access can manage all aspects of the account, including adding or removing users.
  2. Standard Access: Users with standard access can view and make changes to campaigns but cannot modify account access.
  3. Read-Only Access: Users with read-only access can view campaigns and reports but cannot make changes.
sending invitation in google ads

Step 5: Sending and Accepting Invitation

After setting permissions, click on the “Send invitation” or “Invite” button.

Google Ads will send an invitation email to the provided email address. The recipient needs to accept the invitation to gain access to the account.

The recipient should check their email inbox for the invitation. By clicking the invitation link, they will be directed to the Google Ads sign-in page. If they don’t have a Google account, they’ll need to create one. After signing in or creating an account, the user will be prompted to accept the invitation.

email invitation of google ads

Step 6: Accessing the Account

Once the invitation is accepted, the new user will have access to the Google Ads account according to the permissions granted. They can log in to their Google Ads account and navigate to the account’s dashboard to start collaborating.

Furthermore, as the account owner or administrator, you can manage users’ access by revisiting the “Access and security” section under settings. You can edit or remove user access, change access levels, or adjust campaign permissions at any time.

Considerations For Adding Users to Google Ads

There are several critical precautions that everyone should bear in mind when adding users to Google ads account.

  • Safeguard Your Google Email & Password: Never Disclose Them. Your Google email and password should be treated with greater confidentiality than even your social security number or bank account details. 
  • Restrict access to your Google Ads Manager Account exclusively for Google Partners. Google Partners possess specialized knowledge of the latest Google Ads products and adhere to a strict code of conduct, ensuring that when you grant them access to audit your campaigns, you can trust they won’t make unauthorized changes.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure the protection of your Google Ads account and maintain the security of your sensitive information.


And there you have it! The process of adding a new user to your Google Ads account is as simple as a few clicks. Just remember to double-check in allocating the appropriate access to the right individuals. 

P.S: Need helps in your Google Ads or even another Paid Ads Campaign? Pixie Digital is ready to help! We have over 8 years of experience optimizing numerous of campaigns for various business industries. Our Paid Ads Service helps you get the most desirable result from your Google ads campaigns.